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20 Dec 2013

"Mystery guest" in the hotel Victoria

Hotel "Victoria" is one of the newest and well-located hotels in Minsk. It is just opposite Komsomolskoye Lake and Park Pobedy, a huge green area not far from city center. The hotel claims to have superior service and offers it visitors not only accomdation but various business services and entertainments such as a casino and a night club. The "mystery guest" from popular Bealrusian portal booked a room in hotel "Victoria" and now share his impressions...

We continue our series of publications devoted to the level of service in the Minsk "star" hotels. As a reminder, to maintain experimental integrity our correspondent stays at the hotels as a "secret guest" and analyses all the advantages and disadvantages. "Minsk", "Garni", and "Yubileinaya" hotels have already taken up the challenge. Now we are going to tell you about "Victoria".

Four-star hotel "Victoria", located on the Pobediteley avenue not far from the cultural and sporting complex "Minsk-Arena", opened its doors for guests in 2007. Now the hotel management sets it as a hotel for business people. The fact that the hotel is combined with a business center takes a toll on it.

It should be noted, that like the "Yubileiny" hotel the Victoria Hotel Complex was also awarded and took its place on the Republican honours board for its correspondence to the basic indicators of socio-economic development of service organizations. It's time to see what the hotel of such a high state level rating can offer to the visitors.

At the moment we arrived at the foyer of "Victoria", it was difficult to park. So we supposed that there were quite a lot of guests in the hotel. However, the reception area was uncrowded. The whole registration procedure took no more than 10 minutes.

While I was waiting, the receptionist told me in details of all the free services provided. I paid 1.399.000 rubles (as it turned out, that day guests were offered a weekend sale, on a weekday I would have to pay 1.608.000 rubles). I got the electronic key card and the free Wi-Fi password, which is available for all guests of the hotel.

The small but comfortable room immediately leaves a positive impression. The hotel has been operating for about 5 years, but the furniture does not look scuffed. I began to think that the hotel management thinking of the furniture of standard rooms followed "spartan" principles - clean, tidy, functional. The only complaint I had - switch of the lamp standing on the bed-side table worked bad.

The air-conditioner did not cause any complaints. There were some glasses and a corkscrew on the desk. In one of desk drawers I found several condoms.

The compact TV "Horizont" broadcasts about 40 channels. Using interactive menu you can order food from the restaurant into the room, set an alarm and even play cards, chess, backgammon, etc. However, such entertainments are not free of charge: one minute of playing any game costs 800 rubles. Pay TV (80.000 a day) and different movies including erotic movies (99 thousand - for watching a movie) are also provided.

I found six different alcoholic beverages, juice, mineral water, chocolate, peanuts and two packs of cigarettes in the mini-bar. On the desk there was an information leaflet for guests, where it was clearly and simply written what free services they can get.

According to the standards the room is equipped with a working safe.

The windows overlook a wonderful view of the Komsomolskoye Lake. Enjoyed this view we traditionally ordered two cups of coffee and a bottle of mineral water into the room. The waiter knocked after 7 minutes, the coffee cost 55.000 rubles. The only thing is that we got cappuccino instead of ordered americano. But to be honest, this drink was quite tasty.

It is time to look over the bathroom. In a small area there were a bath, toilet and wash-basin. The bath is large, clean and comfortable. Also there was a set of towels. Soap, shampoo, shower gel, cream, bath salt, wet wipes and a shower cap stacked in disposable packs with the logo of the hotel were standing on a shelf near the mirror. Near the wash-basin I noticed a telephone and hairdryer.

In the evening I ordered a dinner into the room. I chose a garnished chicken, salad, dessert and coffee. The order was delivered within 17 minutes. I gave the money to the waitress and she immediately offered to bring the change. I paid a bit above 265.000 rubles (including 15.000 tips). Quality of food caused no complaints.

Getting ready for bed, I checked the cleanliness of linen - everything was at high level. Even without pillowcases pillows had no one stain. Before going to bed I conducted another test – I called to the reception and asked for a headache pill. Necessary medicines were brought into the room a few minutes later.

The next morning maid woke me up just in time. But with coffee ordered into a room I had a trouble again. I waited for my order for 20 minutes. Decided that it makes no sense to wait any longer, I left the hotel.

To sum it up, I would like to note: despite the small flaws "Victoria" leaves a favorable impression in general. Hotel is well located, and rooms are maintained in a good condition. The only drawback I can call is excessive forgetfulness of staff.


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